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I am like you!

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

One of my New Year Resolutions or goals I made for myself this year, was to become a better coach. I wanted to grow and learn. So when I saw WAG post a class, the Art of Coaching, I jumped on it. The first day of the class was about the Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is thinking you don’t have what it takes to do something, in this case, Nutrition Coaching. They discussed how to change that way of thinking and what would happen if you did.

One of the homework assignments was to write down what makes you special, what do you bring to the table as a coach that maybe not everyone will. After some deep thinking, I realized that what makes me special, its that I have been in many of your shoes. What do I mean by that?

Many of you know what the last three years of my life have been like. If you don’t, here is a quick run down. About 3.5 years ago I left my entire family in San Diego to move to Utah with my husband. About 4ish months after that move, we found out my 19 year old brother had Osteosarcoma, which is a rare bone disease. During this time I was an athlete training hard with Salt Lake City Crossfit. Fast forward, through his fight, I was traveling back and forth and still trying to maintain training and diet. After a great fight, he goes into remission. I end up getting pregnant at the end of 2018, and in April 2019, my brothers cancer comes back. I end up moving to San Diego in July, when my son was a month old, and spent about 3 months there, before my brother passed away. I head back to Utah in October and things settle down a little bit until the end of January when I had to rush my husband to the emergency room due to extreme headaches and vomiting. There, they told me he had a mass in his head. They originally thought it was an incurable brain tumor and he only had months to live. Thankfully it turned out to be a brain abscess that later was flushed out through surgery. We still had a couple months of therapy and he required IV medication that I had to administer around the clock. But Tim thankfully recovered and again we were trying to find some normalcy until COVID hit.

During all this I hardly worked out, even though I tried really hard to do the best I could. My diet wasn’t always on point. But through it all, I never gave up on my health. When I could workout, I did, even if it was something I really didn’t want to do. I tried to eat the best I could, which as a breastfeeding mom and with all the stress that was happening at the same time, that was the last thing I wanted. But I did it.

I get life gets hard, trust me! I get that life sometimes throws things your way that makes you want to quit and give up. I get not having a lot of time because of kids or their activities. I get being too stressed out to want to think about meal prepping. I GET IT! During these times, it isn’t about being perfect, its about being consistent. It is about caring about you and your health during times you think it is the last thing you should be worrying about.

What makes me different? I understand the feelings of being stressed, or busy, or sad, or confused. I understand you won’t be perfect during all this. But I also know how to help you to keep moving. I know how important your health is. And I won’t give up on you. I understand.

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